Wellness Care
From vaccination to senior care, we provide everything your horse needs to maintain a happy, healthy life.
Incisor slant
Routine dentistry no longer involves merely removing sharp points from your horse’s teeth. We perform a five-component oral exam on every patient:
External Exam, looking at facial symmetry, swelling, and any drainage from the eyes, nose, or skin. This includes evaluation of the TMJ joint.
Oral Soft Tissue, including the gums, tongue, hard and soft palate that can have abrasions or ulcerations from sharp dental points.
Occlusion, to assess the grinding function of the teeth
Periodontal, to assess gum disease that can eventually lead to feed packing, gum recession and irreversible bone loss.
Endodontic, to assess tooth disease and decay including exposed pulp chambers, and infundibular caries.
We use state-of-the-art wireless diamond blade dental tools to “float” your horses’ teeth and correct any malocclusions, remove sharp points that may be preventing your horse from adequately grinding their food, or even causing ulcers and pain on the inside of the mouth.
We recommend your horses’ oral cavity be thoroughly examined under standing sedation yearly.
Based on the AAEP Guidelines, we recommend your horse be vaccinated yearly to prevent against diseases such as tetanus and West Nile Virus, and twice yearly to protect from influenza.
We recommend at least twice yearly fecal examination or “fecal floats'“ to check for any intestinal parasites and to recommend the most effective anti-helmintic (dewormer). Performing fecal floats instead of blindly de-worming helps to prevent resistant infections. We perform Fecal egg counts (FECs) to determine the level of infestation on a per gram of feces basis. Horses are divided into LOW (0-200 eggs/ gram manure), MEDIUM (201-500 eggs/ gram manure) and HIGH (over 500 eggs/ gram manure) shedders.
Disease Screening
As your horse ages, many problems are preventable or treatable as long as we know where to look. During your yearly exam, blood work and other diagnostics may be recommended, and will be sent to the top laboratories in the country for fast and reliable results.